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Team Biden Tells Stranded Americans To Abandon All Hope

To all the Americans still left stranded behind enemy lines in Afghanistan: the Biden administration is not going to save you. According to them,...

Biden’s Leftist ‘Revolution’ Just Got Downright Nasty

Attorney General Merrick Garland said the Justice Department would “protect those seeking to obtain or provide reproductive health services” under a federal law known...

Mexican Police Step Up And Do Biden’s Job For Him

Again and again, we see Joe Biden’s last priority is the well-being of the American people. It seems like he’s much more concerned with...

Abortion-Loving Democrat Eager To Change Senate Rules

Senator Amy Klobuchar appeared on CNN in an effort to fear monger her way into the minds of pro-life women and stir up hysteria...

Biden Sends Kamala To The Basement After Numerous VP Failures

When Joe Biden "won" the presidential election, one of the things leftists celebrated was the election of Kamala Harris. The unimpressive woman was propped up...

Biden Keeps Filling Graves — And He Shows No Signs Of Stopping

What could possibly be the motivation behind Biden's most recent orders in Afghanistan? As American citizens struggle to flee the war torn country, it's being...

Crenshaw Puts Biden In a Chokehold – He Can’t Get Out Of This One

After Biden pulled the last of our troops from Afghanistan, his lackeys claimed it was “Mission Accomplished.” Despite the chaos, fall of the government, and...

GOP-Led State Checkmates COVID Tyrants

Another win for people of Florida thanks to their dynamite Governor Ron DeSantis. Democrats and their cabal of "scientists" and "health experts" continue to handcuff...

Top CNN Hack Comes To Biden’s Rescue After Afghanistan Falls

If you needed anymore proof that Mainstream Media was America's Enemy No. 1, then here it is. CNN's Don Lemon defied all odds this week...

Biden’s Massive Spending Hits Another Snag – From His Own Party

Despite falling approval numbers and overall discontent among Americans, Democrats are hellbent on passing their toxic spending bill. Leaders in both chambers of Congress are...

Hollywood Loves Trump! Longtime Actor Joins MAGA, Slams Biden

Jon Lovitz, a famous comedian and actor, criticized Dems for abandoning Israel and for how they handled the rise in anti-Semitism in the United...

Shadow Money Exposed – Liberal Universities Need To Explain THIS

According to a recent report, the "State of Palestine" has given over $10 million to some of the best colleges in the country during...

RFK Jr Gives Trump An Offer – Will Donald Accept?

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., an independent presidential candidate, and former president Donald Trump will both be speaking at the Libertarian National Convention in Washington,...