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Crenshaw Puts Biden In a Chokehold – He Can’t Get Out Of This One

Crenshaw Puts Biden In a Chokehold – He Can’t Get Out Of This One

After Biden pulled the last of our troops from Afghanistan, his lackeys claimed it was “Mission Accomplished.”

Despite the chaos, fall of the government, and loss of life, Biden wants us to think his mission was a victory. But Americans aren’t buying it.

We watched as Biden let the Taliban take billions of dollars of our military equipment. We saw how Biden left thousands behind. And after the “evacuation” was over, hundreds more Americans are still stuck in enemy-controlled Afghanistan.

Republican lawmaker Dan Crenshaw is not at all happy with Biden’s continued mishandling of this crisis. And he’s letting everyone know what he thinks.

Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX) slammed President Biden’s State Department, headed by Secretary of State Antony Blinken, for their passivity regarding rescuing trapped Americans out of Afghanistan. Crenshaw wrote, “America: right now there is a private effort to get a plane of U.S. citizens and allies out of Afghanistan. They need @SecBlinken to help get clearance to land in a nearby country. Biden’s State Department is refusing to actively assist. Their response: ‘just tell them to ask.’”

Twelve hours later, on Thursday morning, Crenshaw provided an update: “There are Americans behind enemy lines and all Joe Biden and Secretary Blinken have to do is make a few phone calls. They won’t do it. They are refusing. Even worse, State Department agreed to give me the contact info for U.S. Embassies in these countries so we could go point to point. That was 18 hours ago, I’ve followed up multiple times, and they’ve provided nothing.” [Source: Daily Wire]

Crenshaw, a former Navy SEAL, has been vocal about not pulling forces out of the region. He has previously explained his belief in our need to keep pressure on our enemies, so they can’t mount an attack on home soil.

He was particularly outraged recently, that Biden and his State Department refused to cooperate, when a private plane was being arranged to pick up stranded U.S. citizens. As usual, the administration showed shocking apathy and a refusal to be proactive in the efforts to rescue Americans. Crenshaw claimed they were passive, refusing to step in and help.

After hours had passed, Crenshaw still didn’t get a response he needed from the State Department. He followed up again and again, only to silence.

All that Biden had to do was provide clearance, so that the plane can land in a nearby country. Then, Crenshaw’s team could work with the embassy to coordinate efforts to get Americans trapped in Afghanistan to that plane. But Secretary of State Blinken refuses to even pick up the phone.

It would take zero effort (and funds) from the government to make this happen. Yet they refuse.

Why? From the very start of this crisis, we’ve seen a shocking amount of unconcern from the very people tasked with helping Americans. Biden, Blinken, Psaki, Austin, Milley, all these administration flunkies just don’t care.

How many could die, because they refuse to do their job?

Author: Sam Jones

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