When COVID hit, millions of Americans were forced into their homes. Those who did still have jobs were required to work from home. And guess what? They realized that they did not need to spend thousands of dollars a year on gas or train tickets commuting to a cramped, unpleasant office.
Companies are now faced with the reality that few of their workers are willing to return to work. In one city, however, it’s not COVID that’s keeping people from going back in. They realize that, when they don’t have to commute into a festering hellhole of crime, they are less likely to get shot, mugged, or raped!
Crime rates in New York City threaten a long-term decline of workers going into Manhattan offices, according to a nonprofit group that advocates for local business leaders.
Less than 40% of office workers in Manhattan go into the office on a typical week day, according to a study by the Partnership for New York City that is set to be released Monday…
“When we asked employers what’s the factor that would be most effective in bringing people back to the office, they said, ‘Reduce the presence of the homeless and mentally ill individuals, and expand police presence on the streets and subways,’” Wylde said. [Source: Fox News]
Imagine that! New Yorkers don’t want to be assaulted by mentally-ill homeless people while trying to get to work. The main reason they are not returning to their soul-crushing commute into overcrowded Manhattan is the persistent homeless population and the lack of cops on the streets and subways.
How ironic. New York Democrats spent years increasing the homeless population and reducing police funding thanks to their morally bankrupt policies. Who would have thought it would backfire!
As a former New Yorker and commuter, I can personally testify to how miserable it is traveling through that city each day. Even on good days (when you’re not accosted by a bum or criminal), the endless crowds, rising stress, and oppressive heat (or cold) make you dream of the day you can leave.
Which I, and many others, did.
Those unlucky few who are still in NYC apparently found a loophole, in working from home. But as COVID increasing fades in our rearview mirrors, companies will demand workers return to those overpriced buildings.
But will there be anyone left to go?
We know that the city will be unwilling to do anything about the problem. They are proud of their “defund the police” agenda (despite the fact that the mayor is a former cop) and have no plans of changing it.
Perhaps when there is nobody left in the city, they’ll learn?
Author: Mo Stone