It’s a sad day around the nation today, as one of the United State’s most beloved governors just announced that his wife is suffering from an illness that could very well take her life. Ron DeSantis, the Governor of Florida, just announced that his beloved wife was diagnosed with breast cancer this week. He shared the statement during an interview with Fox News yesterday evening, and everyone was sympathetic.
DeSantis says that his wife is the mother of three very young children, and that Casey DeSantis, his wife, is the very centerpiece of their family. DeSantis went on to say that Casey has spread her influenced and impacted the lives and hearts of countless people in Florida due to all the initiatives she’s taken on as First Lady in Florida. He says that she’s about to face the most difficult time in her life, and that she won’t just have his unwavering support, but that she will also have the support of their entire family and the well wishes and prayers of people all across the great state of Florida. DeSantis went on to say that his wife is an exceptional fighter, and that she has no intention of giving up, ever.
Case DeSantis is only 41 years old. She used to work as a producer, and was responsible for the Emmy award-winning show on television and served as the host on the show for the tour of the PGA. She is also an equestrian champion, having won three times and having been a runner up as the NCAA division 1 champion. It’s safe to say she’s a lady of many talents.
She and Ron DeSantis have been married since 2010, and have three beautiful children. They have a 4 year old, Madison, a 3 year old, Mason and a young daughter that’s just 18 months named Mamie.
Young Mamie was the first baby to be born in the governor’s mansion in Florida in more than half of a century.
So far, Casey has done great things at the first lady of Florida, acting as the spearhead for many initiatives across the state. Perhaps her most well-known initiative is Hope Florida, which is a program that helps people become more self-sufficient economically and in other ways.
Author: Jason Benson