You probably expect by now to hear Biden’s approval is dismal. So, why do we keep talking about it? Because normally, a presidential approval goes up and down. A president has good days and bad days. By studying the trends, we see overall how much Americans believe in an administration.
For Biden’s approval to be so bad, for so long, is the presidential equivalent to the Titanic. It is a slow-moving disaster, one he clearly incapable of fixing (although with everything else). Such dramatically bad approval numbers spell trouble for his party in the coming election and many in the future.
And old Joe’s numbers just hit new records.
His Fraudulency Joe Biden’s average disapproval and approval numbers hit two three dismal records at the RealClearPolitics poll of polls on Tuesday.
Never before has Hunter’s Dad seen his average approval rating sink to a dismal 38.8 percent.
Never before has America’s Number-One Matlock fan seen his disapproval rating hit the average high of 56.9 percent.
Currently, Slow Joe is 18.1 points underwater — another record…
On this same day (June 28, 2018), in the second year of his presidency, Donald Trump had an average RealClear approval rating of 43.4 percent. His disapproval rating was 51.5 percent. That put him underwater by only 8.1 points.
And that was with billions of corporate media dollars lying about Trump as a Russian spy. [Source: Breitbart]
Joe Biden’s average based on RealClearPolitics (a combination of all major approval numbers) is at its lowest yet, at 38.8%. His disapproval is the highest yet, at 56.9%. That’s not all, Donald Trump had an approval of 43.4%, with a disapproval of 51.5%, both better than Biden’s.
Keep in mind that Trump had these kinds of numbers, because the MSM constantly slandered him and misrepresented his administration.
What is Joe’s excuse? With only a few exceptions, the media continues to pretend like he knows what he’s doing. They ignore his crooked policies, his increasing mental frailty, and pathetically incompetent staff.
Despite that, Americans seem to hate old Joe. The latest Civiqs poll had his approval at 32%, the worst we’ve ever seen.
This comes as no surprise to anyone with a brain, who voted in 2020. Joe Biden was a mess back then, stumbling over his words, hiding in his basement, and promising to shut down our oil industry. And guess what? He’s just as bad as he said he would be.
The dramatically bad approval numbers are probably driven by shock from those who actually thought Biden would do a good job. They are only learning now that he is a puppet for the ruling elite who wanted to end American exceptionalism and drive us into the dark ages.
Author: Bo Dogan