Joe Biden has claimed the current gas crisis can be “solved” if America embraced “alternative” sources of energy. Is that right, Joe? Some blue states have already boxed out fossil fuels, forcing people to purchase expensive “green” alternatives.
How has that been going for them?
California faced an energy crisis going back years. They’ve had to buy energy from other states in past years, just to avoid rolling blackouts. And now, Chicagoland is facing a serious threat this summer. And they are considering getting rid of their “green” policies, too.
In the wake of an alert warning of possible rolling blackouts this summer, some Illinois lawmakers want to revise the state’s energy policies.
Midcontinent Independent System Operator is warning Illinoisans of possible blackouts and rising energy prices that could cost families as much as $600 more a year…
“We need to be back in Springfield. We need to repeal the Green New Deal, we need to bring Ameren to the table,” Niemerg said, “and actually have a productive energy policy moving forward.”
Gov. J.B. Pritzker has said he doesn’t expect blackouts, adding that power can be bought from other states. [Source: Just the News]
Illinois lawmakers are warning that the projected demand for power this summer will exceed the state’s supply. This will lead to rolling blackouts and other problems, like staggeringly high energy bills. Lawmakers say they need to get rid of the ‘green new deal’ policies the Democrat-majority put into place.
Idiot Gov. Pritzker is blatantly ignoring the warnings, claiming that blackouts will not happen. Oh, yeah? Are you a psychic and can predict the future? I’m thinking that if energy experts are saying it’s going to happen, the least a governor can do is listen.
Pritzker’s genius fallback is to buy power from other states.
Right. Because just as energy prices skyrocket thanks to Joe Biden’s failures, other states will be eager to give up what little energy they have for Illinois.
Not only is that lazy and irresponsible, but it also ensures that Illinois residents will have to pay a fortune just to keep the lights on.
And just think, safe, affordable energy is just a breath away. All Illinois has to do is repeal idiotic measures that are crippling the state’s energy generation.
But Democrats refuse to do this. Mainly because they can’t admit they did something wrong. But true leadership means you admit when you failed and vow to do better.
The left can’t do this. Neither Biden nor Pritzker is willing. And so, Americans are forced to suffer.
Author: Mac Davis