Did he not even receive a warning? At Fox’s corporate offices at 1211 Avenue of the Americas in Manhattan, morale is likely rather low right now.
Chadwick Moore, a Carlson biographer, believes the previous number-one cable news network, which was recently overtaken by MSNBC, is likely to grow even worse. He claims that at least nine employees have left the company and are now working for Carlson.
Until his departure from Fox, Carlson had the greatest ratings of any cable news program, and Moore thinks “Chyron Guy” may be one of those partnering with him.
Moore continued, “Tucker Carlson’s crew at Fox was very close. The majority of them supported their employer after the program ended since they were there from the beginning. I discuss it in my book.”
Additionally, he asserts that many prior visitors won’t be seen on Fox any longer. We are aware of at least one of them; it is lawyer Harmeet Dhillon, as RedState’s Susie Moore revealed.
Here is the complete text of her message:
“For all of our friends who may have been wondering ‘Why don’t we get to see you on Fox anymore?’ — This is the reason. I have a strong commitment to free speech and the free exchange of ideas that are essential to a free society. It’s not an environment for me until Fox quits attempting to suppress Tucker. And I feel bad for my pals who work for the network since it is obvious that they gave in under pressure to silence @TuckerCarlson. A sanitized version of the news is the programming you are currently watching on Fox. As you decide what to watch and comment on, bear that in mind.”
If Rupert Murdoch (or whichever of his offspring won at Succession) believed that the network would rapidly bounce back after the firing of Tucker Carlson, he looks to have made a serious calculation error. The numbers for primetime reflect the whole story: many people are fed up with the network and think it has forgotten about its core audience. If Chadwick Moore is right, then staff members share his sentiments.