Over the weekend, Americans did their best to celebrate our nation’s birthday. Despite Biden’s attempts to ruin the United States, families all over the country were able to make the most of the holiday. That is, as long as you weren’t one of many whose flights were delayed or canceled.
Raging inflation, high gas prices, supply chain problems, and even a pilots shortage have hammered the country over the last year and a half. Meanwhile, the crooks in the White House have either ignored these many crises or blamed someone else. In response, America has given Biden his lowest approval yet.
President Joe Biden’s approval rating is down to the lowest of his presidency, at only 31 percent approval and 57 percent disapproval, according to the CIVIQS rolling job-approval average as of Saturday…
Overall, Biden has a net approval of negative 26.
The 31 percent approval rating marks Biden’s worst approval rating since becoming president, down from 32 percent and 33 percent in earlier June and 34 percent in May.
Biden is underwater with independent respondents — a voter bloc which has an increasingly strong influence on election results. Only 20 percent of independent respondents say they approve of Biden, while 67 percent disapprove, with 13 percent having no opinion. [Source: Breitbart]
The situation is worse than what the numbers show. And the numbers are really bad.
According to CIVIQS, Biden’s approval is the lowest of his presidency, at a staggeringly bad 31%. His disapproval is at 57% and growing. But that’s only part of the story. Independent voters are giving Biden seriously bad news. Only 20% of non-party affiliated voters approve of Biden. A shocking 67% disapprove.
That’s game over, man. Those are numbers so bad, that it’s hard to believe he can recover at all. Numbers so bad, that we can’t even consider this a real presidency anymore. Biden’s total lack of support from the American people means he is essentially a lame duck.
Without Americans backing his agenda, he has nothing. No amount of pestering Congress or blaming Putin will mean anything. No politician who wants to keep their job will want to be seen working with this joke of a president.
That’s probably why House Democrats are wasting so much time on their J6 Commission. They have zero wins with Biden (and will be screwed if they’re seen with him). So, their only “hope” at salvaging what will be a devastating midterm cycle is to focus on their Trump smear campaign.
The only problem is, Trump isn’t on the ballot this year. The track record of the Democrats’ last two years will be.
And Biden’s horrible presidency will only serve to highlight just how terrible, reckless, and anti-American his party has become.
Author: Bo Dogan