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Biden Seeks Permission to Build Wall… Around His Private Home

Biden Seeks Permission to Build Wall… Around His Private Home

If there’s one thing you can say about Democrats, it’s that they love enjoying things they deprive from the rest of us. Many of those progressive leftists who wanted to defund the police enjoyed private security. Most Democrats who want to destroy cities with socialist programs and pro-criminal policies, live in guarded and gated communities. And let’s not forget how they try to rip firearms out of Americans’ hands—while hiding behind armed bodyguards.

Joe Biden is no different. When he entered office, he immediately stopped Trump’s border wall. He let the materials, paid for by the American public, rot in the desert sun. Meanwhile, he lowered all lawful measures to secure the border. The result has been millions of illegal aliens flooding into our country. Biden has even bussed and flown them into communities across America.

Now, we are learning he is trying to get approval for a wall… around his private residence.

The Bidens have plans to build new barriers around their Delaware home as the nation has faced record levels of illegal border crossings after the president cancelled border wall construction projects along the southern border…

The variance request from First Lady Jill Biden “seeks variances from the maximum fence height requirement for proposed fences” and was scheduled for discussion before the Sussex County Board of Adjustment on April 4.

A search of the Sussex County government website confirmed the variance request.

“Months ago, the Cape Gazette reported the Department of Homeland Security, with the Secret Service as the subagency, awarded a $455,000 contract to Rehoboth’s Turnstone Builders for ‘purchase and installation of security fencing at 32 Farview, Rehoboth Delaware,’” the Cape Gazette reported. [Source: Daily Wire]

Not only is Biden getting a wall built around his private residence in Delaware, but he’s getting the Department of Homeland Security to pay for it! The government is paying a cool $455,000 to build Joe Biden’s security wall. That’s more than some houses are worth. Isn’t it odd that the Bidens love walls, when they are protecting them from the unwashed masses?

But when it comes to doing something to protect Americans from drug cartels, illegal aliens, or human traffickers, he does nothing. In fact, he does worse than nothing, as his policies are encouraging more crime and violence to be carried over the border. More than 2 million illegals were encountered at the border in 2021 alone. How many more will get over this year?

And how long before there are too many to count? What will that do to American communities across the nation? Can we really sustain an unending flood of strangers over our border? I think you know the answer to that question.

So does Biden. He just doesn’t care.

Author: Bo Dogan

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