Remember when Biden promised to “build back better”? The senile old man claimed his policies were going to restore America’s confidence and prosperity—much better than that “America-first” guy.
But since entering office, Biden enacted policies that have done the opposite. And he and his staff claim this is normal and should be accepted. Skyrocketing gas prices, runaway inflation, millions of illegal aliens rushing our border, chaos overseas, a broken supply chain, and a looming recession.
All of this has been embraced and supported by Joe Biden and his team of socialists. So now, he is gifted with another terrible record.
A severe pessimism grips the U.S. economy and Americans report the highest level of dissatisfaction with their financial situation in at least half a century, poll results released Monday show.
Eighty-three percent of Americans describe the state of the economy as poor or not so good, according to a Wall Street Journal-NORC Poll. Only one percent describe the economy as “excellent.” […]
Thirty-five percent said they are not at all satisfied with their financial condition, the highest level of dissatisfaction since NORC began asking the question every few years starting in 1972. [Source: Breitbart]
How pathetic. It hasn’t even been two years, and Biden’s managed to reverse years of economic recovery and growth. He’s even managed to reverse the meager improvements Obama made, let alone the major improvements under Trump.
Because of Biden’s endless failures, most Americans (83%) rate the economy as “poor” or “not so good.” Things haven’t been this bad since 1972, when millions of Americans weren’t even born yet.
How can we account for this failure? Joe Biden, that’s how. He has done nothing to improve our country’s fate. He’s only done what radical activists have told him to do, socialists who intentionally are trying to tank our economy.
The reason the administration can’t make any positive changes is that it doesn’t want to. Biden entered office with a mandate from the radical left and global elite. Destroy America’s prosperity so voters will have no choice but to embrace socialism. And so that our global competitors have an advantage over us.
A win-win for the corrupt establishment. But a lose-lose for actual Americans.
Don’t be surprised to keep seeing polls like this. Biden has no intention of changing his agenda. The only silver lining is that things might get so bad, that even blue states start electing Republicans, just to stop the bleeding.
Author: Bo Dogan