You don’t have to be a political expert to know the Biden administration is a failure. Every major decision it’s made has blown up. Biden’s reckless policy-making has triggered one crisis after another. The end result has been some of the worst approval ratings we’ve seen since Jimmy Carter. In fact, not even Jimmy Carter did this badly.
For a while, it didn’t seem as if the administration even bothered to pay attention to the flood of bad approval numbers. Now, they it clearly has. So, how has Biden’s handlers responded to his failing presidency? Are they changing course to focus on issues Americans care about? Nope! Instead, they think the problem all along has been messaging.
The White House is planning a new communications strategy, as President Joe Biden faces a total collapse of his approval ratings.
Citing “senior administration officials,” NBC News reported Tuesday the White House is exploring new ways to communicate directly with the American people. [Source: Breitbart]
How shallow and directionless is the Biden administration? In the face of failing approval, they think their biggest problem is communication. Oh, so the runaway inflation, rising fuel prices, worker shortage, migrant invasion, and vaccine mandates wouldn’t be hurting us—if Biden did a better job at communicating?
Something tells me if Biden launched a podcast, the still wouldn’t change Americans’ disgust with this man. But he’s not the only one who thinks appearances matter more than actions.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Director Rochelle Walensky has promised to improve the agency’s messaging on the coronavirus after taking a wave of criticism from various media outlets. [Source: Breitbart]
There it is again, “messaging.” Ever since Rochelle Walensky took over the CDC, it’s become a laughing stock. Nobody can trust its ever-changing rules on what’s safe and what’s not. Over the Summer, they said vaccinated people don’t have to wear masks… only to rip that away from us a month later.
But, once again, the CDC like Biden thinks its failing approval is due to poor message, not the incompetent leaders running the show.
Pretty fitting for a fake administration that is run by people who make speeches from a TV set. Biden’s handlers must be taking their cues from Hollywood producers, not policy experts or economists. Biden’s administration is in the gutter, because his decisions don’t work, not because his team is bad at communication.
But Biden and his people think that if they did a better job at getting their message out, then everything would fix itself. Um… that’s pretty stupid. Biden and his team’s messaging are just fine. It’s just, we don’t like the message. We’ve rejected this wanna socialists agenda and prefer better people to run the country.
All the communication improvements in the world won’t matter, as long as Biden continues to be a lackey for the radical left. Americans are poised to give Congress back to Republicans this Fall. And all the tweets and Instagram posts in the world won’t change that.
Author: Paul John Jones