Once again, Ron DeSantis proves that locking down a population and restricting their personal freedom is not the path forward for defeating COVID-19 once and for all.
Granted, the virus has largely already been defeated but the Democrats just won’t let it go.
Wonder why?
Meanwhile, Florida has defied all odds and proven COVID-loving liberals completely wrong. Under DeSantis’ leadership, COVID-19 infections in the Sunshine State has plunged so rapidly that it has the third-fasted descent in rates of cases in the nation over the last two weeks, trailing only Alabama and Hawaii.
According to the most current data, Florida’s case rate per 100,000 people over the last week was 13, third only behind Connecticut and Hawaii, which both have a rate of 11 cases per 100,000.
Florida’s 14-day change rate plunged 48%, while Alabama’s fell 61% and Hawaii’s fell 51%. Notably, states farther north were found at the other end of the spectrum, including Colorado, where the rate rose 32%, Vermont, 27%, Michigan, 26%, and Minnesota, 22%.
Now, what do all of those states have in common?
Think hard…
Governor Ron DeSantis has been saying what liberals have been ignoring all along: this virus – along with every other virus – is a seasonal phenomenon. We knew it was going to be low in May, and it was. And we knew that at the end of June and July it would go up. Because that’s what happened last year. And that’s not just unique to Florida.
Still, Mainstream Media outlets were quick to publish anti-DeSantis stories claiming he was killing the people of Florida. Typical liberal fear mongering.
Late last month, DeSantis announced that he had secured more doses of lifesaving antibody treatment after Biden throttled deliveries to his state. The governor posted a video announcing the move.
I will fight like hell to overcome Biden’s cruel decision to drastically reduce lifesaving monoclonal antibody treatments for Floridians. We've seen steep reductions in hospital admissions due to early treatment efforts. It’s wrong to penalize Florida for his partisan bitterness. pic.twitter.com/24APj0r50K
— Ron DeSantis (@GovRonDeSantis) September 17, 2021
He essentially obliterated Biden, outmaneuvered him to counteract the federal government’s decision to eliminate monoclonal treatments.
So who’s the real killer here?
The backlash was fierce and the Biden administration was accused of partisan payback by many.
Despite Biden’s ongoing attacks against DeSantis, the America First governor has beat the odds, tackled COVID, and given the middle finger to Biden and his failed administration.
Author: Asa McCue