The USASOC carried out the drill on Thursday of last week, firing “recoilless rifles, breaching tunnels, and operating Switchblade drones that flew with an unnerving whiz above a training area,” according to
Prior to the exercise, Lieutenant General Jonathan P. Braga, USASOC commanding general, declared that “The People’s Republic of China is, in line with our nation’s defense tactics, our real pacing challenge out there.”
“Ultimately, our goal is to avoid World War III. That is our job,” he said, seemingly without irony or self-awareness.
Since the so-called proxy war against Russia in Ukraine is not working so well, the US appears to be provoking China as a means to keep the global conflict machine running just a little longer. Military leaders are becoming increasingly vocal in their opposition to the expanding foreign influence.
“The responsibility of conducting an operation to confront the Chinese People’s Liberation Army over the island of Taiwan will be given to us in a brief from my supervisor,” according to a Green Beret officer.
Big League Politics has revealed how the US government is providing Taiwan with hundreds of millions of dollars in cash and weaponry in order to incite confrontation with China.
“The Biden administration has consented to pour hundreds of millions of dollars into Taiwan in preparation for a possible conflict with China.”
The United States State Department said that it is selling Taiwan missiles for F-16 fighter planes and other weaponry for $619 million. This will simply embolden China and risk another hazardous and costly proxy conflict for the US, similar to what is currently taking place between Russia and Ukraine.
“By aiding the recipient in its ongoing attempts to upgrade its armed forces and retain a credible defensive capacity,” arming Taiwan, according to the Pentagon, “serves US national, economic, and security interests.”
Congress will eventually have to ratify the agreement before it can be implemented, but given how deeply invested all of these legislators are in the military-industrial complex, it is believed to be nothing more than a formality.
“The military-industrial complex is endangering the globe. The depravity and arrogance of the United States Empire are reaching new heights. This is exactly the opposite of what the founders of the country intended when they crafted the Constitution and established the Republic.”
It appears that the United States will soon be engaged in a full-fledged proxy war with China. May God show mercy on all of us.