Senate Bill 4, according to a Daily Wire article, cleared the state legislature before landing on Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s (R) desk, whereupon he signed it right away. Last Monday, Judge David Alan Ezra stopped the measure from going into effect. According to his opinion, states “may not use immigration enforcement power unless the federal government has authorized it.”
Additionally, the study stated:
“The legislation can now take effect on March 9 unless the Supreme Court steps in and puts the case on hold, according to CNN, following the appeals court’s stay of Ezra’s ruling, which was issued over the weekend. SB 4 gives state judges the authority to order deportations and permits law enforcement to arrest and detain undocumented immigrants. The Biden administration vigorously criticized the measure, claiming that it conflicted with federal immigration law. In order to give the Biden administration time to pursue the Texas statute before the Supreme Court, the appeals court postponed its decision for seven days, effective Tuesday, March 5.
In an effort to give themselves an advantage in elections and in the number of members that some states have due to population growth, liberals are making every effort to prevent the border from being effectively protected. The left’s indifference to how this approach affects average Americans is frustrating.