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Kamala Finally Addresses White House Tension With Joe

Kamala Harris has broken her silence on the rumors swirling around Washington D.C. that relations with Joe Biden have taken a tumble. Well, sort of. With...

Biden Receives Christmas Day Prank Call — And Liberals Are Hysterical About It

Nothing like a little practical joke on Christmas Day to really get the liberals incensed! Jared Schmeck broke the internet over the weekend after he...

Biden Can’t Hold a Candle To Trump’s Cultural Impact

Despite the endless negativity in both the mainstream press and amongst the liberal cognoscenti, it appears that Former President Donald Trump - not Joe...

Biden Abuses Executive Power To Ensure ‘BBB’ Success

If Joe Biden learned anything from his former boss Barack Obama, it's that regardless of who's running Congress, all it takes is a stroke...

Americans Go Broke Living Under Biden’s Regime

Yikes. Just when Joe Biden and the Democrats started boasting about a two cent decrease in gas prices, another round of statistics was released, highlighting...

Top GOP Lawmaker Just Made 2024 Even More Interesting

The 2024 presidential election will be here before you know it and while Trump appears to be the likely Republican nominee, other conservatives have...

Biden’s Doom-and-Gloom Omicron Speech Falls Short

One has to ask themselves why not a single Democrat is willing to publicize the existence of groundbreaking medical treatments beyond vaccination, which are...

Biden’s Mandates On Thin Ice As SCOTUS Enters The Fight For Freedom

The moment Joe Biden announced his infamous, unconstitutional mandate, people rebelled. States, private businesses, and other institutions vowed to sue. And sue, they did....

Hilarious ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ Heckler Catches Nancy Pelosi Off Guard

It's everywhere you go. The 'Let's Go Brandon' meme is taking the country by storm, enabling Americans to express their rightful hatred for Joe...

California Is Hemorrhaging Residents – And Democrats Are Too Dumb To Figure Out Why

Do Americans even like Democrat politicians? Sure, come election time, celebrities and rich CEOs crow on and on about how great liberals are. But...

Trump Furious Over Biden’s Disgusting Mother’s Day Ad

Before their anticipated rematch in the 2024 election, which is only months away, former President Donald Trump's team criticized President Joe Biden's reelection campaign...

United Nations Exposed – Money Funneling Operation Targeted Vulnerable

In a number of stories from Gaza, Palestinians have accused United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) staff members of embezzling humanitarian supplies intended...

Hollywood Loves Trump! Longtime Actor Joins MAGA, Slams Biden

Jon Lovitz, a famous comedian and actor, criticized Dems for abandoning Israel and for how they handled the rise in anti-Semitism in the United...