It’s everywhere you go.
The ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ meme is taking the country by storm, enabling [mostly young] Americans to express their rightful hatred for Joe Biden and his regime using humor that apparently the old fogey Democrats simply don’t understand.
The chant acts as a rallying call against the current administration and his entire party, many of whom insist on slowly but surely destroying the country.
And let’s face it, most of us are at our wits end.
Major American cities have been destroyed, crime is everywhere, the border is in shambles, everything is expensive and COVID is still raging (or so they say.)
Enough is officially enough and the American people are no longer afraid to voice their opposition to this horrific, unbelieve presidency and the propaganda figures that support it.
In the latest sign of impending national doom for the Democrats, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi had her press conference in deep-blue San Francisco interrupted by a protester shouting, “Let’s Go, Brandon!”
And everyone knows when someone chants “Let’s Go Brandon” what they really mean is “F*** Joe Biden!”
San Francisco is particularly important here since it’s Pelosi’s home district and ground zero for the growing American decline present anywhere liberalism is allowed to exist.
The incident went down Monday as Pelosi held a press conference touting the recently passed $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure spending deal. Also in attendance at the conference were San Francisco Mayor London Breed and Rep. Mark DeSaulnier.
As Pelosi began making introductions, a man could be heard shouting, “Let’s Go, Brandon! Wooooooo! USA! USA! USA!”
WATCH: Protestor interrupts Nancy Pelosi in San Francisco.
"Let's go Brandon! Woooooo!"
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) December 20, 2021
Pelosi ignored the man and continued introducing attendees at the press conference, but she was visibly thrown off guard and in disbelief.
“Let’s Go, Brandon” became a popular chant at sporting events and a form of protest against Joe Biden after NBC NASCAR reporter Kelli Stavast fraudulently claimed on live television that a crowd chanting “F*ck Joe Biden” was actually chanting “Let’s Go, Brandon,” in honor of Talladega winner and NASCAR driver Brandon Brown.
#FJBMovement alive and strong as it finds it way to @Nascar @TALLADEGA chanting "Fu*k Joe Biden" during race winner's interview. #NASCAR #FJB #FJoeBiden
— Sn00pdad (@sn00pdad) October 3, 2021
The “Let’s Go, Brandon” (LGB) chant has become so popular that a store selling LGB gear recently opened in North Attleborough, Massachusetts.
Author: Elizabeth Tierney