You don’t have to be a reporter to know that we are on the verge of a recession. All the signs are there. Inflation is out of control. Gas prices are reaching historic highs. Companies can’t find people to work. And those who are working can’t make ends meet.
Yet, the folks running the White House need to be told about this.
Biden continues to do nothing about America’s economic decline. His worthless administration, whose only “solution” was a flopped socialist spending bill, ignore the warning signs. Biden has clearly lost a handle on the situation. And when a reporter asked him about it, he blew up at her.
President Joe Biden snapped at a reporter Monday after she asked about fears of an economic recession.
The president spoke to reporters on the beach on Monday morning as he spent time with his family for the Juneteenth holiday.
One reporter asked about a growing number of economists voicing concerns that a recession was more likely than ever.
“Not the majority of them aren’t saying that, c’mon, don’t make things up, ok?” He snapped. “Now you sound like a Republican politician.”
“I’m joking, that was a joke,” he added. [Source: Breitbart]
“Yeah, I was just joking when I snarled at that women reporter!” Why is it that Biden always snaps at female reporters? He is sexist as much as he is an elitist?
Biden’s long hated journalists. He seems to think they exist just to prop up his image. So, when they actually do their job, he is outraged. But he always seems to take out his outrage on women.
Biden, of course, was lying. All economic experts, including those in the Fed, fear a bad recession is coming. Some believe it’s already here. But Biden shouted at this woman claiming she was making things up.
Really, Joe? Everyone is worried about the economy. But it’s largely Biden’s fault that things are as bad as they are. His leaderless administration has ignored the warning signs and thrown fuel on the fire.
And he is not mentally equipped to deal with the pressure of this job, clearly. A simple question makes him snap like a nursing home patient who didn’t get his pudding.
A real leader adapts. He picks the very best solutions to address a problem. But the clowns that make up the Biden administration have no ideas, let alone the “best” solutions. They continue to ignore the raging fires and pretend as if they’ll just go away.
But they are not going away. And America blames you, Joe.
Author: Bo Dogan