How bad do things have to get for Biden, until people come for him with torches and pitchforks? The man has done everything in his power to tank the United States. He opened the border. Gave weapons to the Taliban. Threatened Americans’ civil liberties. Triggered runaway inflation. Started a gas price crisis. And even tried to destroy our elections.
His administration is pretending all these crises were not his doing. Events that were entirely out of his control—requiring even more policies that got us into these messes in the first place. But Americans aren’t buying what Biden’s selling. All the pain, all the hardship of the previous year and a half falls to his feet.
And now, his approval is the worst yet.
President Joe Biden’s approval rating is down to the lowest in his presidency, at only 32 percent approval and 57 percent disapproval, according to the CIVIQS rolling job-approval average as of Saturday.
While 11 percent of survey participants did not approve or disapprove, Biden’s approval rating is underwater in 48 states, including the typically dark blue California and his home state of Delaware. The only two states in which he is above water are Hawaii and Vermont.
Overall, Biden has a net approval of negative 25. [Source: Breitbart]
This isn’t just Biden’s worst poll with CIVIQS. This is Biden’s lowest poll, across every company, across his entire presidency so far. Only 32% of Americans approve of his job. That is unheard of for a Democrat president. Not even the liberal media is trying very hard to protect his reputation.
Don Lemon even questioned Biden’s health for 2024. When he received pushback from the White House, he did not apologize, he did not backtrack. He actually doubled down, stating it was his job to ask these questions.
For CNN goon to be turning on Biden, you know the ship is sinking.
The lowest poll Biden had previously was a 33% in early June. Now, he managed to skim even more approval from voters by mid-June. How bad will it get by late June?
This comes as Biden’s administration does nothing to deal with Americans’ biggest concern, rising gas prices. Biden has blamed Putin. Since that hasn’t worked, he is blaming oil companies. You know, the people he is preventing from providing affordable gas and energy? He is trying to pull yet another fast one on Americans.
This is a scheme already thwarted by ExxonMobil, which revealed Biden’s unwillingness to provide “clear and consistent” policy regarding drilling on federal land to be the real problem.
Pathetic. Biden refuses to do right by Americans, as more problems mount. With each passing month, reports show that inflation is not slowing down. It’s getting so bad, that it is amounting to a pay decrease for working Americans. And most experts predict a recession is looming. All thanks to Biden’s backward-thinking agenda.
He deserves a far lower approval than he has.
Author: Mac Davis