How many American troops have to die before Joe Biden and his crack team of defense “experts” face any consequences?
Yesterday, Joe Biden solidified himself as perhaps the worst commander in chief in U.S. history. Due to his lack of leadership, multiple troops stationed in Kabul faced an untimely death after ISIS suicide bombers breached Taliban security checkpoints.
What did he expect after putting the Taliban in charge of security at the Kabul airport?
A shocking pair of attacks – both suicide bombings – resulted in the deaths of 13 U.S. troops. At least a dozen more American services members were seriously injured. Of those slain, 11 were U.S. Marines and one was a Navy hospital corpsman. Several troops are believed to be in critical condition as a result of the bombings.
#BREAKING: @JenGriffinFNC says the death toll of U.S. soldiers has increased to TWELVE — "11 Marines and one Navy medic. This is the largest death toll for U.S. servicemembers in this kind of attack in over a decade" with the last U.S. servicemember death being February 2020
— Curtis Houck (@CurtisHouck) August 26, 2021
The U.S. has not such deadly attacks in at least a decade, under the leadership of former President Obama. The peace deal Trump brokered with the Taliban put an end to American casualties in the region, and U.S. service men and women remained safe as a result.
And to top it off, reports are emerging that a U.S. military dog was killed in the attacks as well.
The suicide bombings, which rocked Kabul late Thursday night local time, also left at least 60 Afghans dead and more than 120 wounded according to reports. The Taliban is said to be telling health care workers not to release full casualty counts, so the precise number of Afghans dead and wounded could be much higher.
One bombing occurred at a final checkpoint for evacuees before entering Hamid Karzai International Airport, where U.S. service members were screening potential individuals for some of the last rescue flights out of Afghanistan before the U.S. military officially withdraws on August 31st. The second bombing occurred just outside the Baron Hotel, which was serving as a secure location for Americans pulled from Kabul.
Multiple explosions were heard throughout the day following the attacks, but Biden’s Pentagon claimed they were a result of U.S. coalition forces.
This isn’t over: U.S. military officials now report that “hundreds” of ISIS-K terrorists are swarming American interests in the region. It is still unknown how the U.S. plans to respond to the attacks. However, multiple questions remain as to the Taliban’s role since they were providing security as troops attempted to execute Biden’s evacuation plan.
NEW: Source briefed on the situation in Kabul tells me “hundreds of ISIS-K in the vicinity, attacks likely to continue”
— Jacqui Heinrich (@JacquiHeinrich) August 26, 2021
Biden attempted to put the nation at ease following the attacks, saying he “will hunt [ISIS] down” yet no moves have been made as of yet. He reassured the American people the plan to evacuate American citizens will proceed despite the bombings.
President Joe Biden has warned those behind the terror attacks at Kabul's airport: "We will not forgive, we will not forget, we will hunt you down and make you pay."
Read more:
— Sky News (@SkyNews) August 27, 2021
Biden – the so-called empathetic president – continues to oversees the utter destruction and devastation of American interests and American lives.
The truth remains: the blood is on his hands.
Author: Asa McCue