The left’s attempt at interfering in our elections is the most transparent yet. We all know how Google search results and social media sites have skewed elections and manipulated outcomes for years. But with Elon Musk taking over Twitter and Trump running his own social site, Democrats are afraid they’ve lost control over this new means of spreading propaganda.
So, they are abusing the power of the government in a desperate attempt to deceive with the “Disinformation Governance Board.”
Because of the strict limits of the First Amendment, the government has no say in how people can express themselves. But Democrats openly admitted this board is about preventing minorities from thinking for themselves, by controlling what they will see online. And even failed White House press secretary Psaki refuses to deny it.
White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki dodged direct questions — twice — about the newly-announced Disinformation Governance Board and whether or not it would actively seek to censor stories that could be damaging to President Joe Biden and his administration…
“Just in terms of what the president wants out of this, does he want the people on this board to start censoring information that is not helpful to him?” Doocy asked.
Psaki did not engage his question directly, pivoting instead to explain what the board was tasked with doing. [Source: Daily Wire]
Big surprise. Jen Psaki refused to directly answer questions about this “board” censoring free speech to protect failed Joe Biden. She pushed some made-up claim that this board is “continuing” the work of the Trump administration in preventing “disinformation” that is being promoted by smugglers at the border.
Really? Is anyone buying that? Since when has Biden even remotely tried to continue Trump’s work. And when has anyone been worried about smugglers “promoting disinformation.” Those smugglers are promoting illegals over the board, not disinformation.
Are we really supposed to believe Biden has any intentions of stopping anything from coming over the board? Give me a break.
But when has Psaki ever been good at lying? When asked about the incredibly biased woman the DHS picked to chair this board, Psaki again refused to answer.
What’s particularly alarming about this “board” is that the White House has in no way explained what it will actually do. How will it “govern” disinformation? Most information, factual or otherwise, is transmitted via channels independent of the government. The only way this board can prevent the spread of disinformation is by exerting some kind of force on news sites, social networks, and other channels.
Which, of course, would be a violation of the First Amendment. I can’t foresee any way this board can function without triggering an endless wave of lawsuits. Yet Biden pretends this is for our protection.
What a joke.
Author: Bo Dogan