Just what the hell is going on in the White House, these days? It’s hard to believe that a man like Joe Biden is calling the shots at all. We know he has no control over his cabinet. Agency heads like Jen Psaki and Antony Blinken, incompetent government flunkies, do seemingly whatever they please. Failing, all the while.
We know that Joe Biden’s cognitive skills continue to crater. His staff keeps him away from the cameras all of the time. He rarely does press conferences, where he would be obligated to answer tough questions from the media. And when he does appear in public, it’s quite obvious people are telling him what to do.
It’s getting so bad, the White House had to put one of Biden’s handlers in an Easter Bunny costume, to watch over the senile man.
On Monday, the president was captured on video at the 2022 White House Easter Egg Roll being interrupted by the Easter Bunny — just as he was about to delve into topics such as Afghanistan and Pakistan.
A Twitter user named Thomas Dillon shared the video, saying, “Joe Biden quickly interrupted by the Easter Bunny after he starts to comment on #Afghanistan and #Pakistan at the White House #EasterEggRoll.”
The president can be seen stopping mid-sentence and quickly going with the furry creature
[Source: Daily Wire]
What the heck? Joe starts talking about Afghanistan and Pakistan. Just then, a person in an Easter Bunny costume shows up and distracts him. Another angle of the video shows the bunny escorting Joe away.
Um, okay. Since when was it the job of a hired entertainer to make sure Joe Biden, the “President of the United States,” doesn’t say anything wrong in public?
How controlled is Joe Biden? Does he have any power at all. Does anyone still believe this farce of a presidency is for real? Who was really in that rabbit costume? At this point, I’d believe it was Barack Obama if you told me.
Biden often talks about how “they” prevent him from making decisions, answer questions, or even travelling to certain countries. Who is they, Joe, who is they? It seems that someone else is calling the shots in the Oval Office. Or, more likely, plenty of somebodies. A group of people, working at the behest of the DNC, corporate lobbyists, and other groups are telling Biden what to do.
This must have been their plan all along. Install Joe so he can go along with the “Great Reset,” making it look like we have no other choice. The problem is neither Joe nor his handlers have any clue what they are doing. And the entire country watches as they stumble around the crises they created.
Not even the Easter Bunny can save him now.
Author: Bo Dogan