Nothing is more infuriating than seeing the same “science” obsessed Democrats – who still insist on masking small children – being so brazen in their decision not to wear a mask to Biden’s State of the Union address as if somehow the “science” magically changed for this specific event.
The silver lining does exist, however, because it shows Americans that these people have not been beholden to any real virological science or data, but to themselves and their grip on power over the population.
Joe Biden, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and most all other Democrats who showed up to Biden’s first State of the Union address on Tuesday did so without their masks.
The extremely recent change, which Sen. Ted Cruz mocked as a “State of the Union Miracle,” comes after leading Democrats have insisted masks are effective and essential, and anyone who questions this is a “moron”.
Speaker Pelosi responds to @GOPLeader Kevin McCarthy’s criticisms of the House mask mandate:
“He’s such a moron.”
— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) July 28, 2021
Back in July, Pelosi reportedly called Republican House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy a “moron” after he criticized a mask mandate in the House.
Pelosi, of course, was spotted breaking city lockdown rules back in 2020 to get her hair done indoors at a San Francisco salon, at times without wearing a mask. The Democrat blamed the salon owner after she was caught.
She also brazenly celebrated her decision to show up to Biden’s SOTU address maskless after a reporter questioned her at the Capitol Building.
Pelosi no too long ago: "When you don't wear the mask what are you saying, 'I don't care about you?'"
Pelosi today: "If people make their own judgement, I make my own judgement, then I won't be wearing a mask [at the SOTU]."
— MRCTV (@mrctv) March 2, 2022
A maskless Biden never donned a muzzle once throughout the night, according to witnesses. This is a 180 degree difference compared to the man who criticized any Republican who battled mask mandates when COVID cases were even lower than today.
“If you’re not going to help, at least get out of the way of people trying to do the right thing,” Biden chided DeSantis and Abbott.
MASK MANDATES: President Biden says his Secretary of Education could take legal action against governors who have issued mask mandate bans for schools.
— Forbes (@Forbes) August 19, 2021
It was just last month that Biden cautioned against children being able to take off their masks in schools, too. Children generally have far lower risk with COVID-19 than adults.
Rep. Maxine Waters went to the address without a mask, too. The leading liberal whack job in Congress often took to twitter claiming Donald Trump was murdering Americans for going in public maskless. Now she’s doing the same.
Take a chance. Remind an unmasked person to put on a mask & if they become angry, smile and say “6ft away” & keep going.
— Maxine Waters (@RepMaxineWaters) April 15, 2020
Trump is a dangerous example for children and those who tend to follow him. Not wearing a mask and not social distancing is dangerous. Do not follow his example. Protect yourself. Coronavirus kills! Maybe this ignoramus doesn’t care, but you should care about yourself!
— Maxine Waters (@RepMaxineWaters) May 25, 2020
Some Democrats claim the “science” has changed and suddenly masks are not necessary for them.
Just on Sunday, the Capitol dropped its mask mandate after the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) relaxed mask recommendations, citing lower levels of COVID-19 in D.C. and throughout the U.S. This shift coincided perfectly with Biden’s SOTU address, a correlation Jen Psaki was quick to disregard:
.@PressSec on masks at SOTU: "The president is very powerful, but he couldn't make us be in the green zone that we're in right now in D.C., that's why we're not going to be required to wear a masks. […] It had nothing to do with the timing around the State of the Union."
— The Hill (@thehill) March 1, 2022
They really think we’re stupid, don’t they?
Author: Lana Fassbinder