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Leading RINO Tries (And Fails) To Convince America Of Trump’s Wrongdoing

Leading RINO Tries (And Fails) To Convince America Of Trump’s Wrongdoing

America’s leading Republican In Name Only (RINO) is apparently anxious to see Donald Trump behind bars.

Blatantly over-stepping her legal bounds, Rep. Liz Cheney – a member of the House Select Committee investigating the phony Jan. 6 scandal – charged Trump with a crime.

Not one word has been mentioned about Cheney’s personal vendetta against Donald Trump and how that might impact her impartibility whilst conducting this investigation.

Cheney is one of two Republicans chosen by Nancy Pelosi to investigate the Capitol protest. Both she and Rep. Adam Kinzinger are vocal anti-Trumpers.

On Sunday, the warmonger asserted that Former President Donald Trump was a criminal, saying “It is absolutely clear that what President Trump was doing, what a number of people around him were doing, that they knew it was unlawful. They did it anyway,” to a CNN audience.

Cheney’s assertation comes after a federal judge said Trump “more likely than not” broke the law when he “corruptly attempted to obstruct the Joint Session of Congress on January 6, 2021.”

There have been hundreds of people charged in connection to the Capitol riot, but so far, the Justice Department has not pulled the trigger on formally charging Trump or his inner circle with a crime.

Meanwhile, massive attacks against basic civil rights are underway for attendees of the Jan. 6 protest, many of which are inhumanely rotting in a D.C. gulag as we speak.

On Friday, a member of the Proud Boys, Charles Donohoe, became the group’s first national leader to plead guilty to conspiracy charges related to the Jan. 6 riot on Capitol Hill.

Last week, a judge ruled in favor of a Jan. 6 defendant who argued he was let into the Capitol building by police officers. Video evidence surfaced proving his defense and the judge acquitted the protestor of all charges. This marks a turning point in the legal cases against protest attendees.

Cheney mentioned Trump’s Dec. 19, 2020, tweet, which announced a “big protest on January 6th” before encouraging attendees to “be there” and saying it “will be wild!”

Apparently, that’s against the law?

The leaders of the Jan. 6 committee have grown divided over the need to make a criminal referral to the Justice Department, according to the New York Times. Although members believe they have enough evidence to file a referral, some Democrats are questioning whether it is even necessary or if doing so would add too much political heat should Trump decide to run for reelection in 2024.

Cheney dismissed the notion of there being any conflict or dispute.

Several Trump allies have been asked to appear before the committee, including Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner and Trump impeachment lawyer Eric Herschmann. While some have cooperated, including Ivanka Trump, others have resisted or pushed back through legal action or maintained a tight-lipped approach during meetings.

This political witch hunt is merely a continuation of the constant attacks against Donald Trump both as a candidate and as President. These witch hunters will stop at nothing until the Former President is behind bars. They cannot be allowed to succeed.

Author: Robert Bogart

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