In September, Senator Ron Wyden proposed a bill to increase the number of judges on the Supreme Court from nine to fifteen over the next fifteen years. Carerie Severino, President of the Judicial Crisis Center, told One America News that Democrats are worried that they won’t be able to keep the court under control.
Severino said, “I think a lot of people on the Left are worried that they can’t change how the Court rules. That is why they are going to try to control the court in other ways.”
Serverino says the filibuster is the only thing stopping the Democrats from packing the Supreme Court.
“[The filibuster] is the only thing that keeps Democrats from doing something that would be so bad for the Supreme Court as a whole,” Severino said. “It’s like adding judges just to get a majority of conservatives on the Court.”
The filibuster means that most bills in the Senate need 60 votes to pass. Abstention would make it possible for the Senate to pass laws with just a clear majority.
Serverino said, “It’s a subject that is actually very disliked, even among Democrats.” Severino went on, “but has become very acceptable among democratic leaders. I think it’s partly because of the big money behind it and the fact that many Democratic senators have backed this kind of message, even though most Americans know it’s bad.”
In the 1980s, President Joe Biden was against packing courts, but Severino says he is now for it because of money.
“Biden called Court packing a bonehead idea in the 1980s,” Severino said. “But the Democratic Party has a lot of money now, and the most extreme lefties support this so much that he had to move to the left and start supporting that idea.”
Severino says that adding more justices to the Supreme Court would only make it more divided along party lines.
Severino says that if the Republicans win power again, all they could do is add more judges to make things even. “This is one way to keep making the Supreme Court bigger and more political.”
Author: Steven Sinclaire