…it gets even worse!
If the past two years taught us anything, it’s if you give liberals an inch they’ll take a mile.
Moving forward we must prevent far-left lawmakers from establishing any of the narrative framework that results in policy decisions which strip away American’s personal freedoms and civil liberties.
Since that is their overarching goal, to homogenize the country politically while artificially creating racial diversity, the far-left Democrats cannot be empowered with legislative power; they must be stopped at all cost.
What results is our current nightmare: a federal vaccine mandate on private companies with 100 employees or more. Except, it doesn’t stop there.
This week the Biden-Harris administration asked White House attorneys if extending the mandate to business with fewer than 100 employees would be ethically sound.
This means 100% of the American workforce would be subjected to forced medical treatment or risk losing your job and livelihood.
According to the OSHA federal rules released Thursday, the agency is “seeking comment to help the agency” determine if smaller employers with fewer than 100 employees can implement a coronavirus vaccine mandate “without undue disruption.”
Joe Biden release a 391 word statement to promote vaccine mandate instead of delivering a speech pic.twitter.com/PO4iF3EX1w
— Charlie Spiering (@charliespiering) November 4, 2021
OSHA stated it is “confident that employers with 100 or more employees have the administrative capacity to implement the standard’s requirements promptly” but is “less confident” smaller companies can withstand losing employees due to forced vaccinations.
The agency claimed the vaccine mandate acts to “protect” two-thirds of all private-sector workers in the nation ostensibly from a virus with 1% mortality rate. This extension on Biden’s mandate would force nearly 100,000,000 American workers to become vaccinated by January 4, 2022. The date in January is an extension of a December date the administration previously chose.
CNBC reports that businesses have until after the holidays to implement Biden's COVID vaccine mandate pic.twitter.com/zt6FH3XsDu
— The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial) November 4, 2021
If employees do not comply with the mandate, companies will be fined $14,000 per violation, which could increase to $136,532 for repeated violations, Breitbart News reported.
I'm told Biden vax mandate for private sector DOES NOT include carve-out for truckers. So all the biggest trucking companies in America – who already face major driver shortages – will see a % of their workforce quit. Supply chain crisis is going to get much worse – very soon.
— Tom Bevan (@TomBevanRCP) November 4, 2021
“We also will be having some programmed or planned inspections where we do go to workplaces to check to make certain that the workplace is in compliance with the rule,” the official added.
The Biden-Harris administration’s forced vaccination of American workers comes as Democrats were thumped in nationwide elections Tuesday. In an effort to possibly change the subject from the election results and infighting over his massive tax-and-spend proposals, Biden has focused on the coronavirus, a safe topic.
1/2 BREAKING: Just spoke to 400+ patriots from around Florida at a rally in Tallahassee in support of a TOTAL BAN on private sector vaccine and mask mandates! Then, constitutional activist KrisAnne Hall and I led the whole crowd through the State Capitol building demanding… pic.twitter.com/JfJHFNlwRP
— Anthony Sabatini (@AnthonySabatini) November 3, 2021
Thursday is not the first time Biden has used this tactic. Days after the deadly Afghan withdrawal, Biden blamed unvaccinated Americans for allowing the virus to spread
Joe Biden officially released his unconstitutional vaccine mandate today.
In December, Biden promised he “wouldn’t demand [vaccinations] be mandatory.”pic.twitter.com/a0Qm38FYGg
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) November 4, 2021
If you aren’t concerned yet, now is the time.
Author: Elizabeth Tierney