Former Vice President Pence “came near” to death on January 6, 2021, during the disturbance at the U.S. Capitol, according to a former Situation Room officer.
In an interview with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos that aired this week on “Good Morning America,” Mike Stiegler stated, “It is important to me that we do not forget that it did get that close, ‘If we lose the VP, if the 25th [Amendment] is invoked,” a clip that Mediate highlighted. It was coming near, so we started going over all of these game strategies.
“When Stephanopoulos described the incident on January 6 as “of our own people” and “motivated” by Trump, Stiegler concurred.”
Naturally, Stephanopoulos did not inquire as to what exactly was approaching. Notably, Vice President Pence’s Secret Service detail has not contributed. This is noteworthy since, understandably, the agency is not often very transparent about its workings and how it upholds its values. But the idea that there was any risk to the vice president? Silence.
On January 6, Vice received threats of violence since he had refused to assist in tampering with the 2020 election. “The Secret Service claims that he was at the Capitol when protesters stormed in, and that they took him to an underground loading dock during the onslaught.”
Naturally, the Secret Service guided him to a cargo dock located underground. Because that is their duty, the Secret Service is nothing if they are not careful. However, there is no proof that anybody else was in danger on that day at the Capitol, except for the protestors themselves. A frightened Capitol Police officer shot Ashli Babbitt, an unarmed veteran, resulting in her death. In addition to several injuries, there were more deaths in the vicinity of this catastrophe. Damage totaled around $1.5 million, but as of this writing, there is no proof that any elected person was ever in any danger.
It is not a good idea to take seriously the idea that the vice president was ever in danger; it is just pure corral rubbish used to improve lawns.
The traditional media’s ongoing fits of hyperventilation about January 6th are rather absurd. There was never any risk for the vice president. Without a doubt, the Secret Service relocated him to a potential exit site out of an abundance of caution. They deserve praise because they were carrying out their duty. However, that day, not a single elected person was even somewhat disheveled. Apart from that, there were a few smashed glasses, toppled furniture, and selfies. While regrettable, the incident was not catastrophic.
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