How out of touch are the liberal elites in New York, Los Angeles, and Washington, D.C.? Far more out of touch than you realize.
When gas prices skyrocketed, these rich, entitled snobs said it was our duty to pay more in gas, to “stop” Putin. (Newsflash, Putin is still attacking Ukraine.) They even went as far as to claim we wouldn’t be feeling this pain if we drove electric vehicles.
It seems the Democrat elite care very little about the pain they are putting Americans through. And their responses reveal just how cruel and disconnected they are from the real world.
But that’s just the tip of the iceberg. And they are now getting help from Europeans to do the America-bashing.
After one of the hottest spells of Summer 2022, which spread across the globe for up to a week, CNN ran a piece saying Americans should be more like Europe and forego using air conditioning…
The writer notes he has only a fan in his Berlin apartment and says, “Europeans had, until recently, done their own grousing about Americans’ infatuation with AC: so wasteful in its high energy usage, unhealthy with the frosty temperatures in mid-summer and annoying given the incessant buzz of the window units!”
Hockenos said air conditioning is “yet another luxury item of an everything-all-the-time population that insisted on a constant temperature year-round.” But what about the environmental impact, the writer pondered. [Source: Daily Wire]
Oh, wow. So, not only are out-of-touch liberal elitists from CNN criticizing Americans. But now they are enlisting the help of snide German know-it-alls to insult us!
This arrogant, smug (and probably smelly) German writer insulted Americans for “relying” on air conditioning so much. This, in the midst of a record-breaking Summer, with temperatures well above 100 in some places.
Hockenos has clearly never spent July in the American South. He can enjoy his little fan in his (probably tiny) Berlin apartment. Much like the latte-sipping elitists in Brooklyn, this entitled socialist earns high wages, has few responsibilities, and has never worked a hard day in his life.
But he has no problem criticizing Americans who live paycheck-to-paycheck, at a time when inflation is destroying their livelihoods. And during a painful heatwave, all they ask is a little bit of cool air.
“NO! You fat, spoiled Americans do not deserve cold air! Just take Biden’s abuse with a smile. And be happy he hasn’t run you over with his tanks and atomic bombs!”
For CNN to publish this piece of garbage is beyond insulting. It only puts a nail in their coffin, confirming that they are on the side of globalists and elitists who spit on wholesome Americans and their values.
Perhaps the publishers at CNN should spend some time in Berlin. Leave us alone for a while?
Author: Mac Davis