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Biden Plan To Disarm America Goes Off Without a Hitch

As the great Ronald Reagan once said, “The top 9 most terrifying words in the English Language are: I'm from the government, and I'm here...

Communist China Spends Billions To Infiltrate, Take Over U.S.

How this is being allowed to happen is beyond anything imaginable. Businesses and individuals working at the behest of the Chinese Communist Party flooded the...

Dem Strategist Admits That House Doesn’t Have Enough Votes for Weapons Ban

In light of recent shootings, Democrats have rushed to push a radical gun control agenda. Other measures that would keep Americans safe they ignore—knowing...

Notorious Anti-Gun Crisis Actor Throws Public Temper Tantrum

Some people (leftists) are so desperate for attention they'll abandon all sense of decorum, dignity, and tact just to pull a stunt or cause...

White House Makes Shocking Announcement About Quadruple-Vaxxed President

The White House just announced that President Joe Biden has tested positive for the China Virus even after receiving four vaccine shots. “This morning, President Biden...

Dems Panic Some More as Nearly 80% Of Americans Think Country on Wrong Track

We are only a few months away from the midterm elections. These elections will not only determine the Senate and House majorities, but also...

Biden To Announce Next Lockdown — Conservatives Proven Right Again

Let's make something clear: Biden's urgency on climate change has nothing to do with reducing carbon emissions. In fact, many of the policies Biden...

One-Year Anniversary of This Biden Speech Highlights Major Failures

Well before Vladimir Putin ever invaded Ukraine the cognitively deficient U.S. President was already warning Americans about what he called a "transitory" increase in...

Hypocrisy: Climate Czar John Kerry Dumped 300 Metric Tons of CO2 From His Family...

For some reason, Joe Biden made failed presidential candidate John Kerry his “climate czar.” A “czar” in a presidential administration doesn’t really have power....

Judge Stops Biden Admin From Destroying Civil Rights Law — For Now

As the left becomes more emboldened, they've begun making the grave mistake of pushing the envelope further and further once an issue has been...

Why Nobody Understands The Trump Show Trial

The first witness in Donald Trump's trial for alleged "criminal" bookkeeping irregularities made provocative remarks about how in-demand the former president was in the...

Secret Covid-Immigration Connection Censored By MSM

According to a Daily Wire analysis of recently released data, President Joe Biden has largely gave up on prosecuting illegals for crossing the border....

Former Obama Adviser Arrested For Disgusting Crimes

A former senior policy adviser to President Barack Obama was arrested and charged with child sex offenses in Great Britain. Rahamim "Rami" Shy, a 46-year-old...