It’s almost becoming routine to hear about bad polls for Joe Biden. Yet, despite the obvious writing on the wall, Joe and his administration refuse to course correct. On top of that, Democrats in Congress will not hold Biden’s failed administration accountable, refusing to call him out over Afghanistan and his numerous violations of our Constitution.
But the facts don’t lie, my friend. Biden has failed again and again. His approval is tanking—and it’s only been one year. And even though it’s plain to see that he’s in trouble, he continues to push an agenda that is becoming more and more unpopular with Americans.
Now, a new set of polls is being called a “double whammy” of bad.
According to the Quinnipiac poll, which surveyed 1,378 adults nationwide from November 11-15, President Joe Biden’s job approval rating has continued its downward trajectory. Among adults, just 36% approve of the president’s performance thus far and 53% disapprove…
Those polled also appeared to question Biden’s honesty and leadership abilities. A majority, 51%, said they did not believe Biden was honest while 42% said that he was…
Quinnipiac University polling analyst Tim Malloy called the poll “an ominous double whammy for the Democrats with midterms less than a year out,” adding, “The Senate and the House will be up for grabs and voters want the GOP to win the jump ball.” [Source: Daily Wire]
Not only does this new poll reveal Biden’s approval continues to drop, but voters are favoring Republicans in the upcoming election. Roughly 40+% of independent voters want to see Republicans take back both the House and the Senate. It appears voters continue to give Democrats failing grades. We can’t argue with them.
The poll was brutal for Joe. Voters disapprove of his decisions on nearly every issue, including the pandemic, climate change, economy, and foreign policy. Most don’t even think he’s honest.
To add to that, a new poll from The Hill reveals that only 24% of voters actually want to see him run against in 2024. That’s surprising since most want him gone at the end of this year. Few want to wait until 2024.
These are some of the worst polling numbers we’ve seen for Democrats in a long time. Normally, the liberal media can polish the left’s failures enough to save them. But nothing seems to be helping this disaster of an administration. Biden is crashing and burning and he does nothing to stop it.
It makes you wonder what Democrats are really after? Do they really want to lead this country? Or are they just trying to cash in as much as they can now, before they all lose their jobs next year?
Author: Peter Thompson