Joe Biden has no options left. Because his administration refuses to reverse policies that have wrecked the economy, Biden’s only game left is to pretend like everything’s going alright. He will be going to Ohio soon to talk up an economy that most say is already in a recession, racked by historic inflation and skyrocketing gas prices.
But this little photo op won’t do much to polish Biden’s rapidly-tarnishing reputation. Every approval poll has him in negative territory. The administration can pretend like that’s not the truth. Actions speak louder than words though. And while Biden tries to pull a fast one in Ohio, one of his own surrogates will not show his face.
Biden 2020 surrogate and Ohio U.S. Senate candidate Rep. Tim Ryan (D-OH) is dodging the president during his planned visit to the Buckeye State on Wednesday.
While the country is suffering from skyrocketing inflation which recently hit a 40-year high, Biden will visit Ohio to use the union training center in Cleveland as a backdrop to tell workers he believes his policies would help troubled pension funding…
Biden currently has a 30 percent job approval rating and a 58 percent disapproval nationally with the CIVIQS rolling job-approval average on July 3. In Ohio, Biden is worse off, with only 26 percent approval and 63 percent disapproval…
[A] spokesman for Ryan, who is looking to win in November, told the congressman “won’t attend because of campaign events he’d previously scheduled in Southern Ohio.” [Source: Breitbart]
Oh, sure, he’s not attending because he’s just too busy. That’s tracks. Biden’s only the “President” of the United States. Why wouldn’t a man from his own party, running for an important seat, do everything in his power to avoid being associated with him?
How pathetic is that? Joe Biden will be going to Ohio to push his failed agenda. But his own surrogate, a man who once endorsed him in 2020, refuses to appear alongside him.
This is the kind of event candidates normally rush to participate in. They need this kind of exposure, being seen with the president. But Biden is doing so poorly, this Democrat knows going to that event will only hurt his chances.
Ohio is generally considered a battleground state. There are plenty of blue-collar folks who might vote Democrat, if they think a liberal candidate can help them.
But they’ve been watching Biden sell out the country again and again. They are watching prices rise as their salaries drop.
No self-respecting Ohio native would vote for Joe right now. And anyone seen standing beside this failed “president” is sure to lose.
Not that Ryan is safe at the moment. He is facing a tough battle against a Trump-backed candidate. Any slip-up can seal his fate. So, of course, he won’t stand beside Joe Biden.
Author: Bo Dogan