The baby formula shortage might be the worst, most embarrassing crisis to come out of the Biden administration so far. How can a first-world country like the United States run out of a basic necessity like baby formula? The shortage got so bad, that desperate parents had to take infants to the emergency room, just to save their lives.
We might not know the full toll of Biden’s failure for years to come.
But it was entirely the administration’s fault. They shut down the nation’s largest formula plant after a few reports. Despite it passing inspection, Biden’s idiotic FDA refused to reopen it for months. Only after this was a full-blown crisis, did the administration try to do anything. Right now, it is flying in formula from Europe and Australia—at great expense. But we don’t even know where this formula will end up.
And now, Biden admits he had no clue how to handle this issue.
President Biden has acknowledged not understanding the immediate impact of the shutdown of an Abbott baby formula plant in Michigan nor the subsequent formula recalls.
Biden made the acknowledgement Wednesday amid a nationwide formula shortage and moments after formula manufacturers told him, during a White House roundtable on the crisis, that they knew immediately how bad the shortages could get, according to CNN.
When Biden was asked about the manufacturers’ comments on knowing about the immediate impact, Biden responded: “They did, but I didn’t.”
The White House has previously said it had been working on addressing the shortages since February.
The president also said after the meeting: “I don’t think anybody anticipated the impact of one facility. … Once we learned of the extent of it and how broad it was, we kicked everything into gear.” [Source: Just the News]
What a load of horse manure. Biden admits that he didn’t understand the immediate impact of shutting down that facility. That, we can believe. This man has no clue how to lead and stumbles from one knee-jerk reaction to the next. The rest of his administration is just as pathetic. Nobody appears to have any kind of foresight, whatsoever.
Funny how the folks in the industry knew what the impact would be. Didn’t anyone within the administration ask them!? Apparently not.
Now, Biden is claiming they have been “addressing” the issue since February. Really? Then why is it June and we are still dealing with this? He claims they “kicked everything into gear.” Another lie.
People didn’t realize there was a problem until around April/May. How can you address a problem in February and see no results for almost four months?
And Biden’s “solution” has been to buy a few palettes of formula from Europe. Not getting America’s plants back open. So, once again, his “solution” does nothing but waste American tax dollars.
Is he trying to destroy this country? Looks that way.
Author: Jim Stone