If two medical professionals concur that the woman has to have the pregnancy terminated in order to save her life or prevent a serious risk of “severe and irreversible physical impairment of a major bodily function,” an exemption will be made. If a single doctor believes that an emergency abortion is necessary to save the mother’s life or prevent serious harm and there is no second doctor accessible, an exception would also be permitted.
If two medical professionals determine that the unborn child has a “fatal fetal anomaly” and the pregnancy has not yet entered the third trimester, an exemption would also be allowed. If the child’s gestational age is under 15 weeks and the pregnancy was brought on by rape or incest, a mother may also be able to get an abortion.
Most abortions are currently prohibited by Florida state law if the gestational age is greater than 15 weeks.
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R), when asked earlier this year if he would approve a “6-week heartbeat measure,” said that he is pro-life and that he will sign “positive stuff” from the state legislature.
DeSantis is thought by many to have the ability to run for president and contend with former President Donald Trump for the GOP nomination.
DeSantis stated last year that the majority of the Supreme Court had correctly interpreted the Constitution in its decision to overturn Roe v. Wade. Florida “will seek to extend pro-life protections, and will stand for life through supporting adoption, foster care, and child welfare,” the governor said.